Tkinter is no longer included with this formula, but it is available separately: home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/python3.10/site-packages They will install into the site-package directory `python3`, `python3-config`, `pip3` etc., respectively, have been installed can install Python packages with Unversioned symlinks `python`, `python-config`, `pip` etc. => -m pip install -v -no-deps -no-index -upgrade -isolated -target=/home/linuxbrew/ ubuntu% brew install pythonĪlready downloaded: Pouring -m ensurepip This will install the latest available python version i.e python3 and with it the latest available pip utility i.e pip3. You just need to install the python package by using brew install python command as shown below. If you are using a Linux system which has brew package manager or you are using a macOS based system then you can try this method to fix the error. So depending on the system you are using, you can try below different methods to deal with the error. While the above error could come due to any reasons but most of the time it is due to either python or pip utility not installed in the Linux/macOS System or if it is installed then you have the latest pip version i.e pip3 instead of pip. ubuntu% pip -version zsh: command not found: pip Sometimes it so happen that whenever we try to use pip to perform certain package management operation then we end up in getting zsh: command not found: pip error as shown below.

Almost all the python developers and programmers uses this utility to easily manage their python packages. Pip is a very famous and most commonly used python package manager to install, manage and delete python packages from the System. Solved "zsh: command not found: pip" in Linux/macOSĪlso Read: How to POST JSON data Using curl (2 Best Methods) For all those cases it is worth to write an article explaining the steps to follow on different Linux distribution and macOS systems to fix this error.

So I thought there are lot of folks out there wondering why zsh: command not found: pip error pops up even if they have pip utility installed in their system or in most of the cases it might not be installed at all. Although this is a very common error faced by many python beginners and professionals due to multiple different reasons but in my case it was due to I have the latest pip version installed in my system i.e pip3 but I was trying to use the older pip command. Few days when I was trying to install a python package in my System using pip utility then I suddenly noticed zsh: command not found: pip error on the output. In this article, we will see how to solve zsh: command not found: pip error if you are also getting this in your Linux/macOS system.