Jun's fighting stance that she takes up in Bloodline is comparable to her most recent appearance in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. One thing I can say about the fight scenes throughout Tekken Bloodline is that they are choreographed to be as faithful to the characters in-game as possible.

Jun, who has told Jin in the past not to engage and give into his anger, chides her son and trains with him briefly. All goes well until Jin is chased by bullies and is forced to fight to defend himself. The story begins with Jun Kazama raising Jin Kazama as a single parent in the middle of the forest.

Tekken Bloodline does its best to not make itself predictable to those familiar with the source material and it's successful in earnest. Due to the nature of the series and how it deviates from the path of the games, there are minor spoilers. In Tekken Bloodline's case, it seeks to fill in any holes left in between Tekken 2 and 3 while offering a modern reboot. What all three animations have in common is that they are a retelling of the events that transpire in the games themselves. Beginning in the 90s with Tekken The Animated Movie and Tekken Blood Vengeance in 2011. Devil May Cry and BlazBlue are mere examples, with Tekken having several animations based on its source material. Occasionally, there are anime based on video games although it's not as common. There have been countless games based on existing anime that have been and will continue to release. Unless one's been living under a rock, Anime and Video Games have always gone together. With the release of Tekken Bloodline, the anime highlights the close-knit relationship of the FGC and Anime Culture. When I wrote about the EVO Air Force 1s, I spoke about how close-knit the FGC and Sneaker Culture was. It has always been a culture that branched off into other mediums as well as mixed with other communities. I'm quite aware we're on a bit of a roll today, I mean, first, we reviewed sneakers and now we're reviewing anime? What has happened to 1UP Infinite? Is there no shame? What happened to the games!? (bars) Well, gaming is more than the games themselves.