Here are five of the most common parasitic infections in the U.S., according to the CDC: Parasites can usually be detected with a blood test or through stool analysis, and treated with anti-parasitic drugs or antibiotics. Thankfully, however, it's possible to prevent and treat infections caused by these unwanted guests. An infection can lead to serious health problems, including seizures, blindness, pregnancy complications, heart failure and even death. These microscopic creatures are typically picked up through food and water. The botfly Dermatobia hominis is the cause of a similar clinical manifestation in Central and South America.Millions of Americans develop parasitic infections and symptoms often go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed. In endemic regions it is recommended that skin contact with the ground be avoided and washing be hung up to dry indoors. Extraction and local antiseptic treatment usually achieve rapid healing. Mature larvae can be squeezed out or removed with tweezers. Infection is by direct skin contact with sandy soil or with clothing that has been put on the ground to dry and had eggs laid on it. A ”maggot-like” structure was found and identified as the third larval stage of the mango fly ( Cordylobia anthropophaga) ( Figure 1b), which is thought to be the principal cause of furuncular myiasis in sub-Saharan Africa. We noted two firm, elastic, furuncular subcutaneous swellings, 1 to 2 cm in diameter, each with a central opening and partly drained after treatmen t by a primary care physician ( Figure 1a). He had often gone around with his upper body unclad and had put his washing out to dry close to vegetation. He reported noticing a “crawling sensation” around his shoulder blades during the last few days of his stay. A 67-year-old man presented with subcutaneous swellings on his back after returning from a 3-week holiday in Senegal.